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Welcome to the Crash Course Keto Blog

In this blog I will share keto tidbits, tips, and tricks that I find in my continuing keto journey. But it is in no way a substitution for the Crash Course Keto program. The Full Program is the fastest, easiest way to lose weight and feel great on the keto diet. It gives you EVERYTHING you need to be successful on the diet in one place. If you haven't gotten it yet, you can get it here.

Why Hire a Keto Coach?

Why Hire a Keto Coach?

A ketogenic (keto) coach can help individuals learn about and adhere to a ketogenic diet. The benefits of the keto diet include weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and potentially reducing the risk of certain diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Any way you look at it, keto, when done in a healthy way, is a win! The problem with keto is that most people figure it out alone, going based on cookbooks without getting personalized support from someone who has their best, long-term health interests at heart. That’s where a keto coach can come in clutch!

A coach can work with an individual to create a personalized diet plan, provide education and support, and help troubleshoot any issues that may arise while following the diet. Additionally, they can help people to stay motivated and track progress by monitoring and providing feedback on the different biomarkers of health, such as blood glucose, insulin, body composition, and blood pressure.

The main reason people start keto is usually because they are interested in losing weight. Some of the ways I help my clients with weight loss are by:

• Creating a personalized diet plan: As a keto master coach, I work with clients to create a diet plan that is tailored to their specific needs, taking into account factors such as food preferences, allergies, and medical conditions.

• Providing education on the ketogenic diet: I provide education on the principles of the ketogenic diet, including how it works, what foods to eat and avoid, and how to properly track macronutrients.

• Meal planning: I help clients plan meals that are consistent with the ketogenic diet, providing recipes and tips for eating out.

• Support and accountability: For some clients, this is a huge part of my coaching experience, where I am able to help clients stay motivated and on track by providing regular check-ins, answering questions, and addressing any issues that may arise. I address this further in a second.

• Monitoring progress: I help my clients track their progress by monitoring biomarkers such as blood glucose, insulin, body composition, and blood pressure. This is especially helpful to people looking to control blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and avoid diabetes.

• Lifestyle coaching: I also provide guidance on how to incorporate other healthy habits such as exercise, sleep, and stress management into your daily routine to optimize the results of the keto diet.

• Give advice on how to handle social events or dining out: I also provide advice on how to navigate social situations where food is involved, such as parties and dining out, without compromising your diet.

So at this point you may be asking yourself, “sure a keto coach can help with that, but I can also figure that out all on my own.” And for some people that’s true and others, not so much. There’s a reason people stop doing diets, and it’s not because the diet stops working, but more because they stop following them or incorporate too many cheat days, etc. And here’s another reason to hire a keto master coach: motivation and accountability!

Some specific ways that I provide motivational support to help my clients stick to the diet and achieve their goals include:

• Regular check-ins: As a part of my coaching program, I provide video check-in calls to provide support and accountability. This helps my clients stay on track and motivated by keeping them accountable to someone else.

• Encouragement and positive reinforcement: As a certified confidence and goal success coach, I have the skillset necessary to provide encouragement and positive reinforcement to help my clients stay motivated, especially when they are facing challenges or setbacks. If a client hits a stumbling block with the keto diet, I have a host of tools to help them overcome their challenges and stay encouraged along the way.

• Problem-solving: I can help clients troubleshoot any issues that may arise while following the diet, such as cravings, boredom, or social situations. By addressing these issues head-on, my clients are better equipped to stay motivated and on track.

• Setting goals: I help my clients set realistic and achievable goals, both short-term and long-term, to provide a sense of direction and purpose.

• Celebrating successes: It’s important to celebrate your successes! But it’s lonely to be your own cheerleader. As a personal, one-on-one coach, I walk the keto journey side by side with my clients, helping celebrate successes, big and small, to keep them motivated and remind them of how far they have come.

• Personalized support: As a part of my coaching program, I provide personalized support by working closely with you to understand your unique needs and preferences. I want to truly understand and know you, increase your motivation, and see you succeed at all of your goals – both keto and personal.

If motivation and support aren’t your jam, a keto coach may still be helpful to you by helping track your progress differently than you would on your own. Here are some of the tools that I provide in my program:

• Biomarkers: I help my clients track a variety of biomarkers such as blood glucose, insulin, body composition, blood pressure, and blood ketones to measure the effectiveness of the diet. I then help you interpret these biomarkers and use them to make adjustments to the diet plan as needed.

• Progress tracking tools: I provide all of my clients with tools food journals and worksheets to track food intake and progress. This can help you better understand how your diet is affecting your health, and then we can make adjustments as needed.

• Monitoring body weight: I help monitor a client's body weight and body composition to track progress. This can provide a more accurate picture of the client's progress than just monitoring body weight alone.

• Setting goals: I work with clients to set realistic and achievable goals and then track progress towards those goals. This can provide a sense of direction and purpose, and a way to measure progress.

• Personalized feedback: In my program I provide personalized feedback on your progress, which can be more effective than self-reflection. Feedback can help you identify areas where you need to make changes and give you a sense of accomplishment when you make progress.

• Providing education: a huge part of the job of a master keto coach is to provide education on how to read and interpret progress, such as how to read and interpret blood glucose, insulin, and other biomarkers. Many people think they are keto properly, and then when they start keto coaching we realize that they are exceeding their carb intake or have been miscounting all along! As your keto coach, I will help make sure you are doing the diet properly and staying on track to meet your goals.

Another reason people hire a keto coach is because they have hit a wall with the diet, finding that it worked for a while and then stopped. As a master keto coach and goal success coach, I love helping clients troubleshoot problems when they arise! Some of the tools I use to do this include:

• Food journals: I ask some clients to keep a food journal to help identify patterns in their eating habits and pinpoint areas where they may be having difficulty sticking to the diet.

• Meal planning and preparation tools: Some of my clients need fresh recipes, meal plans, and grocery lists to help them plan and prepare meals that are consistent with the ketogenic diet.

• Tracking tools: I provide all of my clients with tools to track their food intake, exercise, and progress. This can help clients identify areas where they need to make changes and make adjustments as needed.

• Mindfulness and stress management techniques: I’m also a certified yoga coach, so I can provide my clients with mindfulness and stress management techniques, such as meditation, to help handle cravings and other challenges that may arise.

By now you can see how keto coaches can be super useful for clients looking for quick success. You can avoid the trial and error approach to the diet by using my Crash Course Keto online learning tools to troubleshoot problems, and allow me to provide a personalized program that provides you with education, tracking tools, and meal planning resources, while also providing emotional support and motivation.

So if you’re tired of feeling sluggish and unhappy with your weight, maybe it’s time we chat to see if I can help you achieve your health and weight loss goals by guiding you through the keto diet. This low-carb, high-fat diet has been proven to lead to weight loss, improved energy levels, and better overall health. With a coach by your side, you'll have the support and expertise you need to stay on track and achieve your desired results. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your athletic performance, or simply feel better, I can help you get there. Don't wait any longer to take control of your health and wellbeing. Book a call with me today by clicking here!

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