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Welcome to the Crash Course Keto Blog

In this blog I will share keto tidbits, tips, and tricks that I find in my continuing keto journey. But it is in no way a substitution for the Crash Course Keto program. The Full Program is the fastest, easiest way to lose weight and feel great on the keto diet. It gives you EVERYTHING you need to be successful on the diet in one place. If you haven't gotten it yet, you can get it here.

Keto and Walking = Best Friends

Keto and Walking = Best Friends

I don't know about you, but I needed a walk after Thanksgiving dinner. It helped ease that sense of feeling like I was going to suddenly pop! So my whole family grabbed shoes, got a leash for the dog, and set out to burn a few calories on Thursday evening. We didn't go far, but it felt amazing to get out and put in a few steps!

Many people like to track their steps and feel encouraged when they see the number tick up with even the smallest movements around the home and workplace. I have my cell phone set to give me a running total each day too. And it really does keep it top of mind to get myself up and moving throughout the day. I have a personal goal of 6,500 steps. That's a lower number than a lot of the fitness bands come pre-programmed with, which suggest at least 10,000 steps each day. But that lower threshold works for me because I have a secret weapon: KETO.

When eating the ketogenic diet, my body switches from using carbs and sugar to fuel my brain and body to producing ketones for energy from my fat stores. That means my body literally eats its own fat for fuel while boosting brain function and heart health. But did you know that walking while doing keto can boost those benefits even more? Not only that, but even LESS walking than is usually needed for health produces just as good of results when coupled with keto.

The key thing to understand is that keto dieters don't have to exercise to lose weight. But exercise does speed the process along considerably. A walk might seem like child's play compared to running a marathon or competing in crossfit, but a walk can be a very healthy alternative if you lack the time or interest in exercising intensely, and again, it's a really good form of exercise to couple with keto anyhow.

Humans were built for walking, and some health experts believe that the chair was the worst invention ever created. You can do a lot to enhance your health by standing up and taking a walk. There are many benefits of a daily walk, some of which include:

1. You'll feel better. If you're currently not getting enough exercise, a walk is a simple way to fill that void. Getting out of the house and breathing a little fresh air is bound to enhance your mood and outlook on life.

2. Walking is good for your bones. Hip fractures are reduced in postmenopausal women that walk for at least 30 minutes each day.

3. You can expect to sleep better if you walk regularly. Those that walk report a lower incidence of insomnia. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, the solution might be as simple as a daily walk.

4. Your risk of chronic disease is lower if you walk each day. Studies have found that your risk of developing diabetes or suffering a stroke are reduced significantly. Thirty minutes of walking is all you need each day to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. A stroll can also lower your blood pressure.

5. Walking increases the motility of your bowels. If you suffer from constipation, a walk can work wonders for your issue.

6. You are developing a good habit. Walking can be a positive addition to your routine. The most successful people have routines. You're more likely to experience success if you can maintain positive routines in your life.

7. You're likely to lose weight. If you increase your physical activity without increasing your caloric intake, you can expect to drop a few pounds. Even if you don't lose weight, you may experience a shift in your weight that allows your tight clothing to fit much more comfortably.

8. Walking is good for your brain. Older seniors that walk daily have 50% decreased risk of developing Alzheimer's or dementia.

9. Your creativity will increase. More than one study has demonstrated that going for a walk boosts creativity. Those that walk are more creative than those that sit. Having a challenge at work or at home? You're more likely to find the solution during a nice, long walk.

10. You'll live longer. Those that spend more time on their feet have been shown to live longer than those that spend too much time sitting each day. Get up on your feet and go for a walk if you want to extend your life. It has been suggested that a daily walk adds 3-7 years of life.

Walking is free, low-impact, and simple to do. There's no new skill to learn and no equipment to purchase. Unlike many other forms of exercise, walking can be done by those with weight issues and those with no athletic ability whatsoever. Just put on your shoes, get out the door, and let keto do the rest of the weight loss work for you.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, consult with your physician, and check out the Crash Course Keto full program to learn more about the keto diet and how you can lose weight and feel great through healthy keto. Check it out here.

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